Lucky Number 7 – Humanities miscalculation

Humans traditionally use 12 as a count for time. While this is close enough there is a dramatic error in this methodology
Golden ratio is incorrect

We notice a need for:
-Changing clocks forward and backwards in years
-Climate change confusion which is caused by an escalating incorrect calculation compounded inside out starting with 60 seconds.
– Pie 不 3.14 is 22/7
– 7 is the lucky number

Correct calculations should be
Multiples of 7. However the smallest governing measurements of time is 3.14 as the base.

Second = 3.14/3.14
Minutes 70s
Hours 70m
Days 35h
Year 490d?
Mayan calendar 2738.555 year

There are missing measurements of time (call this metric time)
Pie = 3.14 seconds
Name? = 22 seconds

Last one uncertain

Zodiacs should be calculated accordingly based on the adjusted multiples for there respected timeframe

Equation should be
Timeframe divided by original 6
Take resulting number and multiply instead by 7

Zodiacs most likely attain a spiritual attribute in each of their respected measurements starting 7.125 or 3.14 and scaling as seen in a DNA strand

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